Workplace Services / Service Desk
Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance
Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance

Comparing the Service Desk and Maintenance Applications

Creating a service request is the starting point for both the Service Desk and the Maintenance applications (Corrective Maintenance and Preventive Maintenance). Both applications apply the appropriate Service Level Agreement (SLA) to the service request in order to address the request.

Service requests can cover any service an employee might need: copying, catering, travel arrangements, maintenance, and so on. Service requests with the specific type of "maintenance" are handled by the Corrective Maintenance application; all other service requests are handled by the Service Desk application.

Whereas the Service Desk application manages the requested work by routing the service request itself, the Corrective Maintenance application manages the requested work by generating work requests and work orders from the initial service request. With Preventive Maintenance, the PM schedule generates the work request and then the SLA processes it.

The following table compares the applications:

Feature Service Desk Corrective Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance
Automates work functions. Targets the work functions of the services group. Targets the work functions of the maintenance group
Includes Service Level Agreements that define workflow.

Configurable workflow includes general tasks, such as approvals, service provider acceptance and issuance, and satisfaction surveys.

The system tracks what gets done.

Configurable workflow includes maintenance-specific tasks, such as dispatching, estimating and scheduling work, and estimation approvals.

The system tracks what gets done and how it is done.

Includes Request Types Manages a variety of request types in a complete service catalog and supports specific information for each Request Type. Manages the SERVICE DESK - MAINTENANCE request type only.
Supports maintenance request types

The SERVICE DESK -MAINTENANCE request type is not available to choose when creating SLAs.

Request Types with assigned Problem Types are handled as SERVICE DESK-MAINTENANCE requests.

SERVICE DESK - MAINTENANCE request type is available.

The Problem Types determines the actual workflow.

Processes user-initiated forms. Processes service requests only. Processes service requests and links them to work requests and work orders.
Manages and reports on the work of service providers. Service providers are either internal employees or external vendors. Service providers include work teams, supervisors, and craftspersons, and can be either internal or external.
Task for Creating SLA Workplace Services / Service Desk / Service Desk Manager / Manage Service Level Agreements

Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / Service Desk Manager / Manage Service Level Agreements

Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance / Service Desk Manager / Manage Service Level Agreements

Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Workflow / Manage Service Level Agreements

This view is known as the "SLA Console."

View File ab-helpdesk-sla-create-tabs.axvw ab-bldgops-sla.axvw

Note: You do not need a Service Desk license to run Corrective Maintenance and Preventive Maintenance applications, to run the Maintenance module, to use work requests, or to create the activity_log items that occur behind the scene. All these features are included in the Maintenance licensing.

See Also

Request Types

Understanding Requests for Maintenance Work

Service Level Agreements (SLAs)